Our credentialing service is designed around efficiency and accuracy. After speaking with us, you’ll receive access to a secure portal where you will input your information and upload your documentation. We will then work on your behalf to ensure all deadlines are met and your applications are sent out expeditiously.

A complete process… Providing diligent attention from onboarding to completion.

PCS will guide physicians as to what is necessary in order to get the credentialing process started, as well as EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) enrollment. It’s critical during this step that physicians provide up-to-date information and adhere to all established deadlines.

Upon completion of enrollment, signatures will be required to finalize the application. Once your data and documents have been confirmed for accuracy, PCS will submit your applications to each payer with whom you wish to enroll.

Each payer validates the physician’s information to determine eligibility for enrollment. This process may take anywhere from 45 to 180 days (depending on the state and carrier being credentialed).

PCS then carefully tracks your applications to monitor any potential problems and the application’s progress.

PCS will not stop until the enrollment is accepted, approved and active. Your practice can now provide in-network benefits to a broader number of patients. Success!

Some payors may require EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) enrollment and ERA (Electronic Remittance Advice) enrollment, which is separate from payor credentialing. This will allow for the submission of electronic claims and the receipt of electronic remittances. If this service is not provided by your software vendor, PCS can assist for an additional charge.